Huttoft Bank
Nearest postcode LN13 9RS
OS Map Reference
TF 536 793
Know before you go
4 hectares
PParking information
Parking available on verge or at Huttoft Car Terrace
Not suitable for wheelchair users or people with mobility issues
No dogs permitted
Assistance dogs only
Bird hides
When to visit
Opening times
Open at all times
Best time to visit
October to February
About the reserve
This is the largest of the Sea Bank Clay Pits, which provided clay for sea bank repairs after the 1953 floods. There is a large open water area as well as extensive reedbeds. Moorhen, water rail, reed bunting, reed and sedge warblers all nest on the reserve. 15 species of duck have been recorded. Short-eared owls occur in winter, marsh harriers breed in spring and bitterns have become a regular wintering species. The area just in front of the hide is cut in autumn and is excellent for viewing snipe and jack snipe in the winter. Otter have been recorded here in recent years.
Nearest postcode LN13 9RS. Please note - postcodes are for the nearest registered address as we are unable to get postcodes for nature reserves.
LN13 9RT, Alford, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom
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